Up to 200 detuned voices of a looping sample and a lot more. This MaxForLive devices needs Ableton Live 9.x Suite.
This device is more some sort of sonic material generator than a classic MIDI synth. The MIDI input is used to trigger the process / voices, but the thing is monophonic and has no classic synth architecture. If using a lot of voices (“Density”) CPU usage will be quite significant.Download
Current version: 0.9 / April 2016 [Downlaod File]This is a beta version, parmeter names, ranges, and other things might change. I did not find time for working on it recently. Turn on "Loop" and the two "Note" toggles, throw a sample in and explore.
I will most likely not be able to provide help with programming issues. If you intend to modify the instrument, you have to figure out yourself what goes on. However, comments and bug reports are always welcome.Density has been tested wih Live 9.6 and Max 7.12 on Mac OS 10.8.5 and 10.10.5
LicenseYou can modify this device. You can use it to create the best song ever and sell that song. You cannot sell this device or a modified version of it. You cannot copy code from it to use it in other commercial devices or software packages.
Enjoy! Robert Henke, March 62016.