I make music with computers. But I am also deeply into creating tools for making music. And this is why I became one of the creators of a quite amazing piece of commercial music software, Ableton Live. Ableton was founded by my former Monolake partner Gerhard Behles, together with a developer he met whilst working together for Native Instruments, Bernd Roggendorf and a finance person, Jan Bohl. Gerhard asked me to join the team to develop something that finally became a software called Live. The rest is history. [Read a long interview with Gerhard and me about ih here.]
The screenshot above shows a very early internal version, probably around summer 2000. The image below is from Live Version 10, early 2019.

Here is a Theme for Live12 which did not find its way in the official distribution: roberthenke-theme-live12.zip

Screenshot above from Ableton Live 12, November 2023